Thursday, November 13, 2008

Red, Yellow, Green

My son's kindergarten teacher uses a "green, yellow, red" behavior system.
Today was the third day this week that he got moved to yellow, and another note came home.
The offense this time? Putting ants on his friends at recess (!!)
When asked to explain himself, his response was "I have been trying really hard to be good at home, daddy, and I just don't have enough goodness in me for both places. So you need to pick just one!"

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

An Update on Family Activities....

It has definitely been a busy month! Sometimes I think the weekends are more hectic than the weekdays...

The kids have each had several birthday parties to attend, plus the Halloween Festival at their school and two Girl Scout parties (Halloween and roller skating), plus a "father and son" bonding trip to see the Blue Angels airshow, plus a visit from Nana and Papa....

Not to mention the upcoming weekend: Fall Festival on Friday, two birthday parties, and a trip to Homestead for the race.

I think we need a quiet vacation!!

My First Extrication - on Election Day


What a way to spend a morning!!

I was one of five cars that got stuck, so at least I don't feel like too much of an idiot. You'd think the guy with the orange flag, waving us in to park, would have noticed the MUD?!?!?!?!?!?!