Twelve - no, thirteen? - weeks of being the only body required to get out of the house each morning has come to an end. School started for two of the kids this past Monday, and we haven't quite readjusted to the earlier wake-up call and amazing juggling act required to get FIVE bodies instead of ONE out the door each morning.
I swear, the coffee cannot brew fast enough!
Over the summer, I was somewhat jealous of my son who was often still asleep when I left, or Hubby and the kids taking a morning dip in the pool, or the extended morning snuggles in the Big Bed without me.
Now, I long for those days again. I long for the peaceful routine of brewing myself a cup of coffee and actually having time to enjoy it, taking a semi-leisurely shower, and styling my hair before work.
Feed the fish.
Feed the cat.
Feed the kids.
Pack one lunch.
Pack two snacks.
Remove two pull-ups.
Change one diaper.
Brush one set of teeth and check two others.
Brush two heads of hair and style the third.
Tie four shoes, if I can find matching pairs.
Find one binder.
Soothe several hurt feelings and fears about school.
Try to discuss important daily tasks with Hubby amid the chaos, usually fragments at a time.
And somewhere in that mix: caffeinate myself, grab a shower, and attempt to make my hair look like I
didn't stick my finger in a socket before I leave for work.
[It doesn't look nearly as bad written here as it feels each morning. I swear!]
Somehow I don't think this is what Garth meant....