Wednesday, August 8, 2007

There is no such thing as sweet tea in Minnesota....

....but there IS some good ole Southern/Midwestern hospitality!!!!

The Bad Parts of Today
- The 3:45 AM wake-up call. (Yes, that first number is a three.)
- The US Marshal in Customs with booming drill-sargent voice at 8-something AM, informing me, "This is a federal inspection area. Turn! That! Cell! Phone! OFF!" (Whoops.)
- The bumpy, bumpy, bumpy flights. All three of them. Oh, my belly!
- The L-O-N-G travel day.

The Good Parts of Today
- I was rescued from the Longest Layover Ever by my PIM G and her 3 kids. We had a blast!!
- I am finally home. The thick smack of humid air that hit my body as the airport doors opened tonight was actually welcome.

Now for the details....
Although the "business" part of my business trip was completely worthless (and will be developed into another post once I sort through my thoughts), the time in Minnesota was fun! First we took a quick tour of Mall of America. The only place open was Starbucks....thank goodness! Still, I can now say I've been there. Then we drove back to G's house, went out to lunch at a really yummy wing place (which does not serve sweet tea, but that's OK), and I LEARNED TO SEW! I am very proud of this. We made two purses for my girls and a "boy bag" for my little guy. G took some pictures and promised to post them on her blog tomorrow. If you check them out, please remember the 3:45 wake-up call when you see my hair.....


Mitzi Green said...

3:45 or no, we'll still laugh at you. that's what we do.

i don't think they have okra in minnesota, either. just blonde white people. and prince. :)

Gretchen said...

Bwah! Mitzi - they do have okra. But I think I'm one of the three people that knows what it's good for.

TxGambit said...


Glad she was there to rescue you. Sounds like it was fun from that point of view anyway.